Wednesday 5 March 2014

I have something to tell you...

I'm going to go a bit off topic today. Not too far though so keep reading!

If you haven't heard already, Dion & I have recently been approved for a new little rental property all to ourselves. Which is really exciting & we're both super happy to be able to have a place that we can call our own.

The problem however, lies with the fact that we will now both be paying rent, electricity, food, petrol, car registration & just general living expenses. "So what?" you may say, "Everybody does it right?" Yep, well, the thing is I've got a bit of a thing with a button. Most of them look something like this...

Yes. Online Shopping. The hardest thing to get past these days because it's always right there at our fingertips. Advertising popping up everywhere on our Facebook feed and YouTube side bars, telling you to click because this store has 80% off that pair of shoes you've been searching on eBay for the past month. And that little button that will keep your favourite item in a safe place... The cart.

That brings me to the relevant part of this post. I have been spending hours upon hours taking on all sorts of work from everywhere & I have to say I appreciate it all more than I ever have. People that check their emails for proofs out of work hours are the best people to work with. People that pay my invoices on time are even better! They help feed my new addiction that is online shopping. They help me to justify buying that new dress from America for my cousins wedding in 4 months time because 'that's the one!' (and the only one left! In my size!!). And buying the healthier but so much more expensive salad sandwich for lunch rather than popping into McDonalds for a $3 Chicken & Cheese Burger to satisfy my stomach rumbling.

So Thank You! You make me feel better about pressing that blue 'Add to Cart' button on the 80% off sale item. You also help to keep my fish fed & my boyfriend happy knowing that my share of the rent will be in his bank account next week. A worry-less life is why I work hard day-in day-out.

Oh and thank goodness for internet banking, I don't know how we ever coped without it!

Have a great day! And if you think you've worked extra hard today, why not treat yourself to a gift? Just blame me ;)

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