Tuesday 18 February 2014

New Beginnings

It was back to school last week for me. I started an online class on Web Design & Development.

I'm not getting a huge amount of work at the moment, and emailing around to all different companies wasn't quite working. So the next step was to boost the brain, get educated to get more jobs. Treehouse is ridiculous. So great. I'm learning so much and improving my skills by just watching videos all day, pretty innovative way to learn.

I'm always following design trends online & looking out for what's new in the world of creating wonderful things. I feel like it makes me a better designer & I'm better equipped to tackle each individual job that a client throws at me. You also obviously have to do a fair bit of research to get into the mind & company of a client, so in-depth research for each new job is also critical. And it sometimes changes your creative path from your initial ones.

You should never stop learning whether it be a hobby, something to do with your job, actually going back to school or university or learning all those crazy statistics to pass for your full license. Like Nan always says, "Use it or loose it!"

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