Friday 4 January 2013

2013 Begins!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and all that!

2013 is here, and 2012 didn't gobble us up into a Perfect Storm/ Zombie Apocalypse ending.

My year ahead is looking promising, some new freelance clients showing their faces here at Grace Simpson Design, and hopefully soon a Junior Graphic Designer role to get my career in full swing. Maybe I'll even join the facebook community!

I'm brushing up on my Adobe CS skills...

And I'll be posting here on my blog more often as my portfolio grows into bigger & better things. So keep an eye out for new projects that I'll be taking on early this year. The first being with South Coast Organic Fertilisers, working on a complete overhaul of their brand including a new website. This should be finished in late January leaving me lots of space and time to take on work for other clients during the start of this year.

Don't forget to take a look at my "about me" and "contact" sections above in the navigation bar, and of course my pinterest boards.

Happy New Year Everyone!


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