Thursday 13 September 2012

Positive Thinking

Some Type Sketches in preparation for next weeks drawing lessons.

Retail Space Vision

In my Advertising & Branded Environment class we were asked to brand a space that would become a store that provides a service & to create everything from the name to the space model. This is the first part of the assessment.


A poster I designed for my Typography class. Encouraging Sustainability & promoting the
Peats Ridge Sustainable Arts & Music Festival. Sticking with the simplicity that shows it's face in all of my work.

Some Typography Sketches & Hand Lettering to come...

Thursday 6 September 2012

Heartful Musings

This is a blog banner I created for the lovely Artist and World Traveller Tracy Verdugo.
It was so inspiring to be able to view her works and create something she loved and
that I could be proud of. Pop over to her blog when you get a chance, you'll be glad you did.

Before & After

A possibility for our Retro/ Industrial style milk bar "shop front".
A little bit of love and a fresh coat of paint, now it's looking as good as new!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

fools rush in

Gabrielle Aplin's song Please Don't Say You Love Me, typography piece with part of the bridge.
The song was written about the movie 500 Days Of Summer which was set in New York, hence the skyline of New York reflected, because of the tone of the words used here. Check out the song here.