Monday 19 May 2014

Weddings & All Things Worth Celebrating

Isn't it just wonderful when you receive an invitation in the mail. Even better when they look 'schmicky-dicky'. You feel all warm & fuzzy inside, knowing that someone wants to spend a special day with you. The store bought ones can be a bit over-used I must say. Especially when you're at that time in your life when all your friends are getting married and your fridge door is piled up with five of the same old invite.

Then there are the online ones where you just type in your name & you get what you're given when it turns up at your door step 5 weeks later (in the wrong colour). Wouldn't you love the freedom of talking to someone about exactly what you want? Or let someone else worry about what font to use and what colour to put where? That's what Designers are for! And I would be more than happy to create your Wedding Invitations, 21st Birthday invites, and excite your friends when they receive a "We're having a Baby" notice.

An Invite for your event designed at a reasonable & competitive price. I can even set them up just how your printer wants them so that you can spend less time worrying.

So how about it? Don't you deserve to be the centre of attention for a little while? Don't your friends deserve to have something a little bit different on their fridge door? Yours might even make it to the top of the pile!

Above is my latest Wedding Invitation Design.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Why Design is 100% Wonderful.

An Answer to the question, "is graphic design right for me?"

When you choose Graphic Design you are not merely choosing a career path. You are choosing to give up your naivety. You are choosing to live this. You will breathe every element of form and function. You will experience the frustration of relying on every keyboard shortcut in real life. You are giving up your ability to dismiss a typeface for 'just another font’.

Like an English Literature student has all of their beloved movies destroyed by camera angles and pathetic fallacies. You will never look at another billboard, website, logo, book cover, mailing flyer, font, Windows computer the same way. 

But it is the best thing you will ever do. Being creative for the rest of your life, solving problems through design. Educating other people on what looks good, one ‘Ban-Comic-Sans’ petition at a time. Having the ability to change the world just by making it that little bit more beautiful. Do it, you know you want to.

Take a look at my Pinterest for great Graphic Design inspiration. 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Attention Creatives, Business People and Everyone Inbetween!

Are you a designer, artist, photographer, or musician?

     Do you have a big job that you need an extra pair of hands to help out with?
     Do you feel like a change?
     Would you like to hand over some of your photo editing to someone else?
     Need your name to stand out in the busy social media craze of today?
     Any design ideas that you wish you could just click your fingers & have them on your screen?

Are you a business owner, entrepreneur, or business manager?

     Do you need to update your branding?
     Do you feel like you need to be more current?
     Don't even have a logo or business cards?
     Need someone to 'just make that look good'?
     Do you have the advertising ideas but just lack the skill of putting it all together?

You'll be glad you dropped by then!  Creative brains, designs galore, fast turn around times!

Whatever you need for your business or yourself.

Contact me now, and we can discuss a great quote.

Friday 2 May 2014

Living in the Bay.

This is the greatest home I could imagine.

Jervis Bay sports the worlds whitest sands, and beautiful blue oceans. Summer is well behind us now & the cold winter is definitely on it's way, but that beauty doesn't go away, it just gets better!

There aren't so many jobs, very little public transport. But who cares when you have a chance to look at this every day?!

Head over to this link if you'd like your own little slice of paradise.